Navoday Vidyalaya Class 6 Admission Online Apply 2023-24 @ |
Navodaya Class 6 Notification 2023-24 JNVST Admission Form
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Navodaya Class 6 Notice 2023-2024
JNVST Admission Form
Navodaya Class 6 Admission Form 2023-2024
Navodaya Vidyalaya 6th JNVST Notification
Class VI Admission Form 2023-2024
JNVST NVS Online Application Apply Link
Admission Navodaya Class 6 2023-2024
Admission video to Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI
Application forms will be available by JNVST 2023 conducted by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti to enter Class VI at 661 (six hundred sixty one) schools in Jawahar Navodaya in India. Admissions to JNV are made through the JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SELECTION TEST (JNVST) in Class VI.
The medium of instruction at JNVs is mother tongue or regional language up to Class VIII and English thereafter for maths and science and Hindi for social studies. Interested students can apply online to participate in JNVST 2023-2024 from the website https://

Navodaya Class 6 Eligibility Criteria :
This will apply to candidates in all categories, including those from the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST). In case of doubt about the candidate of legal age who wishes to be admitted, she may be referred to the Medical Board for confirmation of age. The decision of the Medical Board will be final.
જન્મ તારીખમાં મુદ્દત લંબાવવા બાબત
A candidate presenting for the selection test must be studying in Class V for the entire 2023-2024 academic session in a government / government assisted school or other recognized schools or a competition course with certificate 'B' from the Institute National Open Education in the same district. where you seek admission.
A school will be considered recognized if so declared by the government or any other authorized agency on behalf of the government. Schools, where students have obtained the "B" certificate from the National Institute of Open Education, must have the NIOS accreditation. A candidate must successfully complete Class V in the 2022-23 session. Actual admission to Class VI for the 2022-2023 session will be subject to this condition.
Candidates who will pass the "B" certificate competency course of the National Institute of Open Education on or before September 30, 2022, are also eligible to write the admission test as long as they are in the prescribed age group. The forms of said candidates will be verified by DEO / DIOS.
Click on the below image to download previous papers and model papers 👇👇
The rural status of a child from the National Institute of Open Education will be decided on the basis of a certificate to be issued by Tehsildar / District District Magistrate stating that the child has been residing in rural areas for the past three years. the former urban and notified regimen is not eligible to obtain a seat in the rural quota.
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A candidate who has not been promoted and admitted to Class V before September 15, 2022 is not eligible to apply. No candidate is eligible to take the selection test a second time, under any circumstances.
Navodaya Class 6 Application Fee :
Please see the official announcement below.
Documents required for admission to Navodaya Class 6 :
Parents of children who qualify for the Selection Test must present the following documents upon admission for verification: Certificate of residency in prescribed performance. Proof of date of birth. However, if any doubts arise, a medical board will verify them. Proof of eligibility under NVS conditions.
For candidates seeking admission under a rural quota, parents must also present a certificate proving that the child has studied at an Institution located in a notified rural area.
Any other required document
At least 75% of the seats in a district will be filled by selected candidates from rural areas and the remaining seats will be filled from the urban areas of the district.
A candidate seeking admission under the rural quota must have studied in Classes III, IV and V by completing the full academic session of government-recognized / government aid / government school (s) located in rural areas. However, the candidate must study the entire academic session in Class V of the same district where admission is requested.
Candidates studying under the National Institute of Open Education schemes must present their rural status certificate issued by the District Magistrate / Tehsildar / Block Development Officer.
A Candidate who has studied in a school located in an urban area even for a single session day in Class-III, IV and V will be considered as an urban candidate. Urban areas are those that are so defined in the 2011 census or by a subsequent Government Notification. All other areas will be considered rural.
Navodaya Class 6 SEAT RESERVATION :
At least 75% of the seats in a district are held by selected candidates from rural areas and the remaining seats are filled in urban areas of the district.
Navoday Excel Form
Navoday New Auto Excel Form 2022-23
The reservation of seats in favor of children belonging to the recognized castes and tribes is provided in proportion to its population in the district in question, provided that in no district, said reservation is lower than the national average (15% for SC and 7, 5% for ST) but subject to a maximum of 50% for both categories (SC and ST) taken together. These reserves are interchangeable and are above the candidates selected on open merit. A third of the total seats are occupied by girls.
Navodaya Vidyalaya Class 6 Date of written exam :
The JNVST Class 6 written exam will be held on April 29, 2023.
In April 2023 For the state of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh (except Dibang Valley and Tawang districts), Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh (except Chamba, Kinnaur, Mandi, Sirmour, Kullu, Lahaul and Spiti and Shimla Districts), Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tripura, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal (except Darjeeling), Union Territories of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep and Pudducherry.
In April 2023 For the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Uttrakhand and in the Dibang and Tawang Valley districts of Arunachal Pradesh, in the Chamba, Kinnaur, Mandi, Sirmour, Kullu, Lahaul districts and Spiti and Shimla from Himachal Pradesh, in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal.
How To Apply :
The process for applying for the JNV selection test has been simplified through the online process. A detailed and intensive verification of proof of residency, age, eligibility, etc. will be carried out. of the candidates selected through the established procedure.
Eligible candidates together with their parents / guardians can approach the Common Services Center together with the duly completed certificate from the Director of the School where the candidate is studying in Class V. The certificate format can be downloaded from the Samiti website The format sample is attached.
Students - Exam Materials
In the case of NIOS candidates, candidates must earn a "B" certificate and residency must be in the same district in which they are applying for admission.
The application for the JNV 2023 selection test is being processed through the Common Services Center of the Ministry of IT, Government. from India. Common Service Center has a broader range with 2.6 lac centers across the country covering virtually every town. According to the MOU with NVS, Common Service Center will charge Rs 35 / - (only thirty-five rupees) to be paid by the parent / candidate for the service charge to upload the application form per candidate
શાળાના આચાર્યશ્રીએ આપવાનું પ્રમાણપત્ર અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો.
Navodaya will begin class 6 admission for year 2023-2024.
What is the educational qualification for admission to Navodaya Class 6 ?
A candidate presenting for the selection test must be studying in Class V for the entire 2023-2024 academic session in a government / government assisted school or other recognized schools or a competition course with certificate 'B' from the Institute National Open Education in the same district. where do you seek admission.
What is the pool of rural and urban candidates in Navodaya's total class 6 seats ?
At least 75% of the seats in a district are held by selected candidates from rural areas and the remaining seats are filled in urban areas of the district.
What is the date of the Navodaya Class 6 exam ?
The Navodaya Class 6 exam can be taken on April 29, 2023
IMPORTANT LINK for Admission NVS Class Six (VI) 2023-24 :