Unit Test Standard Wise Program September 2020
Standard wise program of std 3 to 8 Unit test to be held from 26th to 30th September.
The unit test is conducted every month by the Government of Gujarat. Similarly, a unit test program has been announced for the month of September.
Children will be given a hard copy or soft copy of the unit test.
Important Dates of September Ekam Kasoti
Std 3
26/9/2020 - Gujarati - Chapter 2, 3 - 25 Marks
27/9/2020 - Maths - Chapter 2, 3, 4 - 25 Marks
Std 4
26/9/2020 - Gujarati - Chapter 3,4 - 25 Marks
27/9/2020 - Maths - Chapter 2, 3, 4 - 25 Marks
Std 5
26/9/2020 - Gujarati - Chapter 3,4 - 25 Marks
27/9/2020 - English - Chapter 1 to 4 - 25 Marks
28/9/2020 - Hindi 1 to 5 - Chapter 1 to 5 - 25 Marks
Std 6
26/9/2020 - Gujarati - Chapter 3 to 6 - 25 Marks
27/9/2020 - English - Chapter 1 to 2 - 25 Marks
28/9/2020 - Hindi 1 to 5 - Chapter 1 to 6 - 25 Marks
29/9/2020 - Sanskrit - Chapter 1 to 6 - 25 Marks
Std 7
26/9/2020 - Gujarati - Chapter 3 to 7 - 25 Marks
27/9/2020 - English - Chapter 1 to 3 - 25 Marks
28/9/2020 - Hindi 1 to 5 - Chapter 1 to 6 - 25 Marks
29/9/2020 - Sanskrit - Chapter 1 to 6 - 25 Marks
Std 8
26/9/2020 - Gujarati - Chapter 3 to 7 - 25 Marks
27/9/2020 - English - Chapter 1 to 3 - 25 Marks
28/9/2020 - Hindi 1 to 5 - Chapter 1 to 6 - 25 Marks
29/9/2020 - Sanskrit - Chapter 1 to 6 - 25 Marks
Gujarati and Maths tests will be taken in Std. 6 and 8. Gujarati, English and Hindi will be tested in Std. 6 while Gujarati, English, Hindi and Sanskrit subjects will be tested in Std. 6 to 8. While it is to be noted that as per the resolution of the Department of Education dated 12-02-2020, Gujarati (first language), Mathematics, Social Sciences and Science subjects have to be taken in the same tests, this time the tests in these four subjects are self-contained and * subsidized. The school can take it voluntarily.
The above periodic evaluation tests dt. It is to be held from 26th to 30th September, by 25/9/2020, the students have to reach the tests in hard copy or soft copy.
The test of all mediums will be made available on the website of GCERT (ww.gcert.gujarat.gov.in) dated 25/09/2020 as well as the test of Gujarati medium which is the textbook index of that subject.

The above tests are expected to be written by the student from home under the supervision of the parent at the convenience of the parent and the student. The purpose of the test is to know the progress of the students. Test Answer Book Dt. It is desirable that it should be delivered to the school through parents by 05/10/2020.
Where there is a test of Gujarati in Gujarati medium, first language test of that medium will be taken in other medium. Where there is test of Hindi in Gujarati medium, Gujarati (second language) will be tested in Hindi medium.
Where there is English test in Gujarati medium, Gujarati second language test will be taken in English medium.
The test will be prepared keeping in view the learning outcome, the syllabus taken in the month of July in Gujarati and Mathematics will not be included in the test of September. A copy of the test syllabus is attached here with.