CRC BRC URC Bharti Jaherat 2024
Under SSA, Block Resource Centers and Cluster Resource Centers wee established to provide academic support to teachers and schools on a regular basis in each block of every district. At present 6472 BRCs and 69268 CRCs are operational in the country.
Online Apply Start Date: 1/12/2023
Online Apply Last Date: 10/12/2023
Exam Date: 31/12/2023 (Approx)
Exam Type: OMR Based
Total Marks: 100 Marks
In each block a number of CRCs were established. Each CRC covers a small number of schools within easy reach. The number of CRCs per BRCs varies considerably from state to state.
CRC BRC āŠŠāŠ°ીāŠ્āŠ·ા 2024 āŠĻી āŠĪાāŠ°ીāŠ āŠાāŠđેāŠ°
➡️ āŠŠāŠ°ીāŠ્āŠ·ાāŠĻી āŠĪાāŠ°ીāŠ :: 07 āŠાāŠĻ્āŠŊુāŠāŠ°ી 2024
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The number of schools per CRC generally varies from 10 to 20, but the average number of schools per CRC is quite large in some states such as Rajasthan, Delhi, Puducherry and Karnataka. As the BRCS and CRCs play an important role in improving the quality of education.
MHRD commissioned a study to assess how efficiency they are functioning and what type of problems they are facing. The objectives of the study included documentation of the roles and functions of BRCS and CRCs as defined by states; assessment of the extent to which the activities undertaken by BRCS and CRCs were in accordance with their prescribed duties and to assess their work load and time devoted to various tasks; finding out how far training equips them to discharge their responsibilities; and how much support was given to BRCS and CRCS by DIETs.
It also covered assessment of the on-site support given to teachers and schools by BRCs and CRCs; the views of Head teachers, teachers, VEC, etc. on the contribution of BRCs and CRCs in improving the functioning of schools. The problems faced by BRC and CRC coordinators in their work and their job satisfaction were also looked into.
The main purpose was to make suggestions for more effective functioning of BRCs and CRCs on the basis of the study. This study was taken up in 14 states with the help of seven institutions- IIM, Banglore (Kerala & Karnataka); IIM. Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh); IIM, Kolkatta (Assam & Mizoram); NCDS, Bhubaneshwar (Orissa & West Bengal); NIAR, Mussoorie (Punjab & Jammu and Kashmir); SPRI, Jaipur (Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh): XLRI, Jamshedpur (Haryana & Jharkhand). IIM. Banglore acted as coordinating agency for the study in collaboration with Ed.CIL's Technical Support Group for SSA.
In each state 3 to 7 districts were selected with due representation of Socio-Cultural Regions (SCRs) within each state and also various Special Focus Districts (SFDs). From each district 2 to 4 blocks were selected by using circular systematic sampling to represent the rural areas. In order to give due representation to urban areas, 2 urban blocks each state (one urban area from amongst the sampled districts and anot m state headquarters or any large metro city of the state) were selected. From e clusters were selected except in Mizoram, where 5 clusters were selected.